Spring 2021 Newsletter

Read our full Spring 2021 Newsletter here.

Celebrating Unexpected Success

By, Bridget Shumway, President & Jeanie Harris, Programs/Operations Manager

What a year we have had. A year ago, none of us expected that our way of working, playing, shopping and learning would be so drastically changed! We’ve all experienced so many emotions over the past year. Fear, grief, anxiety, sadness and so many others. At Generations, our staff have been through all of the same feelings personally, but they have also accomplished something truly amazing for the children and families we serve.

Our staff, early on, had to quickly adjust to wearing masks all day at work. They had to do this while taking on cleaning and disinfecting our classrooms like never before. As time passed, Generations became more knowledgeable about new safe practices and implemented them fully and most importantly, successfully. We began screening staff, children and visitors (while very limited) to make sure everyone entering was healthy. Then, we asked children to also wear masks. The Preschool and School Age children accepted this new practice in preparation for back to school. Our own electrostatic sprayers arrived as school was beginning this fall and we increased the safety of our environment even more.

Our UPK EPK and SACC teachers had a major shift in September as did the children! When most were expecting to go back to school at least part of the week, some did not go back at all and had to continue learning fully remote. While we did it in the spring, our response was sudden and a bit awkward. Come fall, we were better prepared both with equipment and knowledge. SACC teachers set up learning stations, posted schedules and we implemented a communication tool to go back and forth to families so parents know how the children are doing. Our UPK EPK teachers set up their own learning pods creating a space where all the toys and materials they use to demonstrate learning activities with children are present and they themselves can easily be seen and heard, both by the children in person and by the children who were connected remotely.

We been able to distribute learning kits provided by RCSD either in person or with our bus. We’ve been able to loan tablets to families who needed some way for the child to join in the virtual activities. Our staff, both classroom and administrators have been creative, persistent and innovative in tackling each new hurdle they have encountered.

Above all, our staff, and children have been safe! While we have had some instances of illness being present in our setting, it has been thankfully few. This is one of the things we have been most proud of. For this point, we owe our staff our thanks. We are grateful for their efforts and diligence with following protocols put in place. Unprecedented times call for unprecedented efforts and our staff have stepped up and met the challenge. To you all we extend our sincere appreciation!

Read our full Spring 2021 Newsletter here.